A selling point is an advantage an article possesses which if emphasized is likely to induce the customer into making the purchase. A selling point when included in the sales talk is referred to as a talking point.
A systematic and thorough study of the goods will provide a number of such advantages or selling points or talking points. The hidden object of this investigation as to details about the goods is really to discover selling points. However, selling points must be used discriminately and tactfully. Sales talk should not be a mere statement of the obvious and known facts nor should it be an enumeration of selling points. The latter should be used with a view to appeal to the particular buying motive of he customer.
The selling points which are the commonest in use of attractiveness of the package, low price, special selling terms, durability, latest design, about saving, ease of use and comfort. These are linked with buying motives and the salesman should make an analysis of the goods with a view to ascertain the selling points that would carry the most weight in the sales talk and use the appropriate ones.
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