What is Brand?
A brand is defined as a ' name, term, symbol, design or a combination of them, which is intended to identify the goods and services of one seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors '
A trademark is a brand that has given legal protection, thus ensuring its use exclusively by one seller. Trademark is a legal term, while brand is a marketing term.
Some of known brands are Colgate - Palmolive, Close- up, HLL, Sony, ITC etc.
Techniqies of Brand Promotion.
- Selecting brand name and logo, giving the product an identity and enhancing its visual recognition.
- Differtiation - unique image, attributes and necessary attributes.
- Distribution and promotion support and brand positioning.
- Keeping the brand active and alive - brand extensions, packaging innovations, relaunchesand rejuvenation.
- Brand proliferation
- Strengthening the brand protfolio through acquisition / takeover.
- Monitoring the brand through the various stages of life cycles.
- Brand portfolio rationalisation / structure.
- Understanding brand equity and building the equity of brands.
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